
Hi everyone!  My name is Wylie Ahmed and Ahmed_WylieI am an Associate Professor of Physics at Cal State Fullerton, where I lead the Laboratory for Soft, Living, and Active Matter (SLAMLab).  Before my arrival I was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Institut Curie in Paris, France.   I completed my Ph.D.  at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  My research interests are in cellular biophysics, soft and active matter physics, and bio-inspired materials.  I also enjoy being involved in outreach and mentorship to communicate scientific findings with society and promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education.  My research activities have been funded by Cal State Fullerton, the Marie Curie Actions (FP7-MC-IIF-624887), and the National Science Foundation (NSF DMR-2004566 and DMS-2010018).  At CSUF I am a member of the Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM), the Center for Applied Biotechnology Studies (CABS), and the Maximizing Access to Research Careers Program (MARC).

Click here for my CV (updated May 2022)

Click here for my Publications (Google Scholar).

Outside of the lab I have experience in teaching, management consulting, project management, and entrepreneurship.  I believe connecting education, research, and technology is critical to solve interdisciplinary problems and bring effective solutions to society.

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with family and friends, traveling, eating, cooking, and spending time outdoors.